Here, I have collated a selection of creative pieces I have designed. There is a variety of work from 2D and 3D design working with Adobe CC programmes; Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimensions and Lightroom.

Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA.

Duck Bay, Loch Lomond, Scotland.

Berlin, Germany

Pitlochry, Scotland

Ayrshire, Scotland

3D Design & Mock-ups

Recent Client Brief: Vaping Dangers Mock-ups
Recently, I was approached to design something that would help to stop people vaping. Looking at this client's brief, I wanted to create something empowering but slightly terrifying at the same time to highlight the dangers on the human body, therefore, developing long-term health implications.
I have collated a selection of creative pieces I have designed. There is a variety of work from 2D and 3D design working with Adobe CC programmes; Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom to enable delivering effective marketing campaigns to the target audience.

Links to professional profiles